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William Tozer Associates, headquartered in London, England, is a chartered practice of the Royal Institute of British Architects, employing British-qualified architects. If you would like to work with us on a project in an EU country that requires local registration, you should be pleased to note that we have staff also qualified in the EU, who can obtain automatic registration and use of the title ‘architect' in other member states of the European Union—subject only to assessment of the training information detailed in  the European directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in Practice.

Please note that while our UK-based website and social media, and numerous books, magazines, journals and other websites describe us as ‘architects’ and our work as ‘architecture’ this should not be construed as indicating that we are registered or licensed architects in jurisdictions where the use of those terms is restricted. While you may be billed through a separate company in your location for accounting purposes, all client appointments are direct engagements with the UK practice and company. These contracts are subject to the law of England and Wales, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. Local taxes and charges (value added tax, sales tax, goods and services tax, customs duty etc.) may be applicable, depending on your location, and the location of your project. These charges are at the clients’ own expense.